Moments to share AW2023
The summer may be fantastic, but nothing invites you to party as much as autumn and winter. A time of beautiful colours, a more relaxed pace and warm togetherness. Sagaform’s autumn is inviting, fluffy and active. It inspires us to share moments in the woods, during enjoyable walks and around the set table. We snuggle under thick blankets, drink hot beverages and decorate with masses of candles.
Welcome to a new enterprising autumn and winter together with us at Sagaform!
Autumn & Winter with Sagaform
Welcome to a new season with "moments to share" with Sagaform.
“moments to share” is what ties this season’s collection together. Many of the products entice us to be together – birthdays and traditions are to be celebrated, but we also want to pay attention to small everyday things. Two new colours that meet you are teddy-brown and golden-yellow, exciting nuances that create warmth and character in your home. We continue to mix darker wood with lighter and a lovely feeling of luxury, generosity and personality embrace the whole assortment. And the season! Because now we want to make your moments even more special. Memories are the dessert of life so fill your autumn with many unforgettable, warm and lovable experiences.
Many of the products entice us to be together – birthdays and traditions are to be celebrated, but we also want to pay attention to small everyday things.
Sagaform’s autumn is inviting, fluffy and active. It inspires us to share moments in the woods, during enjoyable walks and around the set table.