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The first spring coffee in the garden with Mersina @karlsson.under.taket

SubjectCollabs, Traditions

The first spring coffee in the garden with Mersina, @karlsson.under.taket

After a long and dark winter, the light of spring and the first gardening become a longed-for starting point of a wonderful new season. There is something special when everything comes to life and you know that all the lovely, warm summery days are ahead of you. Someone who has turned the first spring coffee in the garden into a delightful tradition is Mersina Karlsson. She shares with us how to embrace spring in the best way.

– We usually make that first coffee in the garden into something extra special and lovely. We have a nice tablecloth, fresh flowers, beautiful serving plates, and we bake something delicious that the family appreciates. Sometimes we also invite friends and neighbours, but this year it was just us. So cozy,” says Mersina.

For Mersina, traditions are about creating togetherness, memories and something to long for. The traditions she and her family have created themselves and put their own mark on mean the most. “Think about what gave you and your family a happy moment and do it again. Then it becomes a nice tradition,” says Mersina.


Traditions are often built on expectations; do you think that part is important?


I think there needs to be a balance. It should be a lovely overall expectation, but maybe not an expectation that everything has to be exactly as it always has been, down to the smallest detail. Then it can easily turn into a disappointment. I think that the most important thing is that we are together!


What are your top three tips for a great picnic?


I always try to have tasty picnic food and pastries in my freezer, like brownies, buns or pies. Bringing nice plates and glasses creates a lovely atmosphere. I use Sagaform’s June series with plates, coffee cups and wine glasses myself. I love the wine glasses. They feel so luxurious, and I often get asked where I bought them. Also, bring a cozy blanket and lay out the picnic on a tablecloth, it adds that extra feeling.

Spring coffee favourites.

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The different seasons of the garden are fantastic traditions in themselves and all of them give me lots of harmony.


You have a magical garden, what does it mean to you?


To start sowing in February/March and then, when the first tulips appear in the flowerbed, pick a large, wonderful and colourful bouquet. It's definitely a spring tradition that shows summer is on its way. The peonies often bloom around Midsummer and picking a lovely bouquet to put on the midsummer table creates joy that probably only a gardening enthusiast can fully understand!


Which are your favourites from the Sagaform assortment?


Oh, there are so many nice things! I love the Coffee & More series, which feels a bit retro but still quite elegant. I have the green series at home, and it makes all the food look so beautiful when it’s served! I’ve also just discovered the delightful Viva vases. The small Viva vase is perfect for a tiny summer bouquet from the garden. And to me, who loves flowering gardens, the Dagny plates are also a favourite.

Follow Mersina on Instagram @karlsson.under.taket